Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Are you Willing to do What is Necessary?

I have spent the last 3 months in a cocoon. Pure chaos and confusion as I experience a profound metamorphosis. Even my body was going through some profound changes. I experienced an allergic reaction, a sinus infection (that was more of an energetic infection) and lots of deep physical healing. During that time I practiced acceptance "I am where I am and it's ok". While I didn't like where I was and I certainly didn't enjoy the confusion, deep down, I knew it all was necessary.

The old me was dying and the new me was wanting to be born. I had to let go of my old beliefs "I am not good enough" and "I don't deserve". I had to release self sabotaging behaviours, negative self talk and old self defeating tapes that played in the back of my mind. I had to let go of the old me to make room for the new ME. It was all necessary for the emergence of my True Self.

At the beginning September I could feel the shift coming. I could sense the butterfly within me was ready to break through and fly. When I finally emerged from my cocoon it was like a breath of fresh air. FEAR disappeared. I felt a deep sense of relief with a renewed sense of excitement. I am ready to fly!

While I am not sure where I will be flying to and what I will do in this life as a butterfly, I do know that I am being called to do something much bigger than anything I have done before. It is time!

I invite you to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself the following questions.

Is there something inside of me trying to be born?
Do I feel a calling to do something more in my life?
Am I willing to explore my purpose?

You have a unique gift within you that only you can express and share with the world. You came here on purpose.

Are you willing to look within?
Are you ready to discover and express your full potential? 

The world needs your brilliance and grace. The world needs you, more than ever, to ignite your genius and reveal your greatness! 

The good news is that I am here to help you.

I am ready! I am willing! I am committed!

Let's do it!